
Saturday, June 19, 2010|1:33 AM

Aries woman profile - personality traits & characteristics

The Aries woman is typically confident, fiery, bold, spontaneous and independent. Very modern and self reliant she is often an inspiration to other women. Highly motivated and ambitious, this isn’t a woman who takes no for an answer, at least not for long anyway! She will typically make a good living, though probably isn’t the best at saving the money she makes, instead preferring to enjoy it as it arrives.

In touch with her inner child, on the plus side she tends to be very fun loving and adventurous, and on the negative she can be very sulky if she doesn’t get her own way, or is ignored. She tends to be very competitive, but unlike some signs also has a strong sense of fair play - she wants to win for herself; to prove to the world she could do it, and isn’t interested in deceit or cheating. She hates to be bossed around, or feel trapped.

Aries is a mixture of fearless warrior and undisciplined child, and this is one of the easiest signs to understand. These are action people, extrovert and assertive. They want to be in charge, the boss, the hunter, the instigator. Uncomplicated, bold, aggressive and impulsive. Sometimes they are selfish, insensitive, domineering, blunt, outspoken and impatient. They're never afraid of taking a risk. Lacking in self control they more than compensate in resilience - this is one tough cookie, who will live life to the fullest.

As to relationships, she tends to be either totally into one, or not interested, often there's no middle ground. She's outgoing and can be somewhat of a flirt.

Aries woman as a lover

An adventurous and exciting lover, she will never be dull or boring. On the contrary the main risk is that a partner may not be able to keep up with her, or lack her resilience to bounce back from the many minor crisis and setbacks which being so impulsive and dynamic naturally creates.

The danger for an Aries in a relationship is being too controlling and confrontational. Aries often need to consciously curb their desire to battle and win; they need to learn how to lose when fighting someone they love. It may sound like a quote from Sun Tzu, but more than anything, in love they need to learn the art of 'winning by appearing to lose'.


Tactless and confrontational she can be oblivious to the needs of others, and isn’t always very good at compromising. She will prefer high risk, high reward situations to the dull or boring, which can lead to the occasional crisis.

Aries see themselves as leaders. While it's true they are indeed leaders, they lead by action and not by planning or intellectual process. This can be good or bad depending on the situation - often they are particularly good in a crisis if immediate action is required, and less suited to planning large campaigns requiring endless details to be shuffled.

Aries have to make a conscious effort to look around to see other people’s feelings and desires, it doesn’t happen automatically for them. Similarly they tend to see the world and respond to it in a physical manner (rather than emotional, intellectual or practical)

Overall quite true leh. xD



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