Hello all , I'm here to blog about the BBQ !
Oh , how to start ? I shall say it like a story k ? :D
We met at Sembawang MRT at 5pm on 17th March 2009 ! We then went to NTUC to purchase the items that we havent bought & we took a bus to our designated place , which is Sembawang beach !

We reached after a long 10 minutes ride . We had to lug all our heavy items , (& Abigail's 4kg chicken) to the BBQ Pit . But to our horror , we saw people using our BBQ pit when we're there ! They just wanted to borrow our BBQ pit & they left when we arrived . Afterall , we're the ones who paid for it .
We pitched the tent that Abigail bought ! Its short & cute . xD

Then we began to prepare the food .

We left our bags in the tent , with all the cats trying to get in at night .

Abigail is going to steal !!!!!!!! Just kidding . :D

JIAJIA starts cleaning the table .

& Angela is washing the crabmeat !

I helped with the charcoal , & an expected thing happens to my poor hands .

I washed my hands & took more candids !

Sembawang park + beach !

As the sky began to darken , Abigail holds her tongs & smile .

The buttered & honeyed crabmeat lay there above the fierce fire .

& We fed the cats some !

Many many food ! Cant see the fire here , cause I used flash .

Can you see the fire now ? (:

Before we knew it , night has set in .

We have no fire starters ! & Abigail needs panadol cause she was having headache . Me & JIAJIA went to take bus 882 back to Sunplaza to purchase those things . My ez-link card ran out of money & I had to borrow from her . The bus took years to come . We're very old now . HAHAHAAS .
JIAJIA & Angela is BBQ-ing while Felicia is taking photos . WHERE IS ABIGAIL ? Shhhs , she's sleeping ~

We bought candles too ! JIAJIA was scared it'd be too dark .

Abigail's family came too ! Sorry to say , but I didnt recognise them at first . It took me awhile . xD They helped BBQ some chicken wings cause it was uncooked .
There's Abigail !

The flame from the candle is beautiful !

JIAJIA is very happy !

Angela is busy BBQ-ing for a long time . xD

Lets go back to the candle again .

Food ! Angela's mother made ALOT of sushi , which I cant eat cause it has eggs , cucumber , crabmeat & many other stuffs which are harmful to my stomach . xD

We used honey to coat alot of food ! Not to forget butter as well .

There were alot of cats there , meow-ing at us to give them our food . Of course , we fed them .

Fire from the BBQ pit !

Food again !

BBQ pit is burning !

Ohno ! The fire is gone .

The flame is going off too !

Its coming back !

Abigail is happy & she's doing the pose I asked her to do !

JIAJIA the "huo shen" (fire god) & Abigail !

Can you see the smiley face at the BBQ pit ?

We're at no.5 !

Satayyyyyy !

Charcoal ashes .

The flame is going off again !

Oh YAY its back !

Abigail loves to fan . xD

JIAJIA loves satay .

Now we have two candles !

Bloated Angela went to lie down in the tent ! xD

Can you see the cat ?

Abigail is sad .

Cooked food !

I'm very happy ! & oily . ):

Two people are staring out to sea at 3am in the morning . Can you guess who ? :D

The two candles are now accompanied by two marshmellows coated with thick butter & honey !

Abigail loves fire , just like JIAJIA & Angela .

See my water bottle !

BBQ-ing marshmellow in thick butter . I dont eat them by the way . :D Abigail loves butter-coated marshmellows . I dont take butter . :D
With flash .

Without flash .

The sky started to change colour & we decided that it would rain so we hid in the tent . Some of us felt something . Something (we think its a cat) brushed past Angela & she screamed , which led to me screaming , which led to JIAJIA screaming . Abigail just had a funny expression on her face cause our faces were priceless at that time .
Abigail & Angela then went to sleep while me & JIAJIA walked around . We went to the place where they fished , & just stood there for awhile . Told her about WW1 & WW2 . History ! :D Then walked to the other side of the beach where people were also fishing , but it was very dark . Fed the cats with leftover food .
They are smart k ! They wont eat the sushi when the sushi turned bad . They love the chicken & crabmeat ! :D
We wanted to go to the playground , but the cat suddenly run & sat in front of us , blocking our way . We decided not to go . (:
Fed the cats & looked at them & chatted until the sky started to change colour . We then walked on the beach , & saw that the tide went down ! :D

Who's that ?

The next few pictures will be just sunrise , & us drawing in the sand !

I stepped on a trail on ants when I was walking to the beach . Now I have 13 ant bites on my both feet .

Sunrise !

I love the sun ! But I hate the heat .

While we're packing , HUGE RED ANTS started climbing my feet & my legs & bite me . What the hell ? I didnt do anything to them ! They started crawling on my feet , in between my toes & onto my legs . I was screaming & jumping around . Argh .
We then went back to Sembawang , & took the mrt to AMK for the maths remedial . Only me & Abigail went . My mood was spoilt when I saw something . Nevermind ! :D Feeling nauseous the whole lesson , & when I went to the toilet , the lights was off . Didnt want to go , scared perhaps .
After that , went home , slept & missed a meetup with someone . Ahhhs , sorry . >< Felt very giddy the whole day & had stomach pains again .
I'm feeling so much better today . I ate CKT (Char Kway Tiao) for lunch today , & meesiam for dinner ! How satisfying . :D Please dont think crooked , I'm very straight ! :D Very happy after eating my favourite food . Hohohohohos . Anyway , its 12.16am now ! Should I sleep ~?
Hahahaas , tomorrow I'm going SSC with my mother . I've been going out non-stop ever since the holidays started . & I'm heading to Malaysia on Saturday & Sunday ! See , I'm a busy busy person ! :D
I got 7/10 on the impromptu maths test that my tuition teacher gave me today ! Ahhhhhs , so little . ): Stupid inequalities . But I dislike log , surds & indices the most ! They're the smelliest .
Okay , I'm going to play some games then rest ! By playing some games , I meant pet society . HAHAHAAS . Okay ! Enjoy the photos . I know I take nice photos . :D