Hello !
Its been a long time since I updated , isn’t it ? Okay , fine . Maybe it isn’t that long , but to me its longgggg .
School have since started , & I’ve been busy almost everyday ! I got a television schedule to follow . Here’s how it goes ,
Reach home at about 3pm .
3pm-3.30pm : Fairly Odd Parents
3.30pm-4.30pm : Totally spies
4.30pm-5pm : iCarly
5pm-5.30pm : Drake & Josh
5.30pm-6.30pm : Whatever thats showing on Channel 8 (Now got ‘Like father like daughter’ Chengxi is in that show !!!!!!!)
6.30pm-7pm : Mr Bean the animated series
7pm-8pm : 心花朵朵开
8pm-9pm : Depends on what is showing . Except for Friday where there is 2 hours of 心花朵朵开
9pm-10pm : 团圆饭
10pm-11pm : Either using the computer , or on Mondays , watching Desperate Housewives
HAHAHAAS , & everyday I have a lot of work to do ! So yeah , I hardly have any time to update & I also dont know what to update about . I love bio & a maths lessons & I fall asleep in chemistry , physics & e maths lessons . Chinese lessons are quite slack too .
Anyway , I got a picture to show you all !

Isnt it nice ! I took it !
Alright , what have I been doing over the past few weeks of school . Actually , its only 2 weeks . >< Hmm , lets see .

I saw Kaixin’s special green tea bottle ! Look closely & you can see the difference !
Hmm , I also went to Chinatown on the 13th of January ,

& played with these ! They are loud & I’m scared of them .

I also got a temporary tattoo from Chinatown ! Its sprayed ): I’ve been using a tissue paper & scotchtapes to cover it for the past few days in school . My maths teacher DID ask me about them . >< But its okay ! By Tuesday it will be gone , I think . xD
Last but not least ,

I bathed my rabbit ! He’s so clean nowwww . :D He posed for this photo for me okay ! When I wanted to take again , he turned away . Hahahaas ! He’s getting ready for the Chinese new year too !
Oh , I did spring cleaning today too ! Me & my sister cleaned all the doors in the house , but she cleans damned fast ! I clean one door = She clean 3 doors . What a crazy girl .
Chinese new year is coming ~ I can feel it ! I’m so happy . Money , please fly to me ! I want to be richhhhhhhh ~
Alright , I’m tired . Now is 12.49am & I’m hungry ! Gudnyts people !