The month of November is ending , means that December is coming , which also means that , 2009 is coming & I'm a seniorrr !!!!
Anyway , time passes really fast , & somehow , too fast for me . I cant seem to catch up ! It just seems like yesterday when I just started at Deyi , now I'm halfway through .
I learnt many things the past two years , especially recently . I learnt how to let go , to give up . Its not easy giving up someone that used to mean everything to you , but somehow you'd just realise , after all the begging , that maybe you're better off without each other , cause its just one-sided all these while .
I learnt how to talk less , & listen more . I also learnt not to ask so many "why"s , I only ask when I want to irritate . (:
In the process of all these , I've become quieter & more reserved in a way . In front of friends , maybe I havent changed much , but I know I did . I dont talk as much as last time , although I do crap more , but its to make everyone happier .
I learnt how to walk away from the ones that I once loved . Even if it means I have to get hurt badly . But at least it makes me stronger .
Somehow I changed alot in the past 2 years . I learnt so many things , & it makes me think deeper into situations . Many tears were shed & wasted .
I also changed my taste in music . Usually I just follow people , like whatever they like I also like , but now , I have my own taste . I love all types of songs , especially oldies , something which I used to ignore .
I've also begun planning for my future . I wont say !
Rina also said that I changed , I became less hot-tempered . Last time I used to flare up at every single thing , but nowadays , I dont feel like being angry or what . Its a waste of time .
Even if someone copies me now , who cares . The one who loses out wont be me . ^^
Okay , lets say about my looks . I realised that I changed so so so so much . I show you all ! This post will be filled with pictures sial . =.=
I'm going to post the photos from January 2007 all the way until recently . Then you all see how much I changed k ? :D I also want to immerse in my memories . xD

Me & Rina ! She changed ALOT .

Emooooo ~

AMK with Jacinta .

With Rina !
Then my piercing cameeee ~

Me & Yunting .
Then there was a point where it was an "act-cute" period for me . LOLS !

With Rina !

In the changing room ! (At This Fashion ><)

With Xinyi !


With Sis .

Back to Canberra !

Laptop !

Twist ~

Chorlorxzxz .

With Apryl ! She changed ALOT too .
Oh , & I made a story ! :D

I also made one with Yunting ! :D

& I changed my hairstyle !

Chio anot ? HAHAHAHAHAAS .

With Apryl .
With Rina .

Emo-ing is not my forte ~

With Amanda .

I miss the toilet ! T.T I think its Jurong Point ! xD
& There came the class chalet ! :D


I’m all pink !

Those who went .

Wanying , JIAJIA & Me .

HOHOHOS , I want to act cool !

I’m from Egypt ! & that time I’m in Genting . LOLS .

With sis .

New haircut !

I was so happy uhs ! xD
2008 arrives ! CNY ~

Thats what I wore for CNY ! Although its damned hot .

Apryl !

Kaixin !
Soon , it was time to say goodbye to my long fringe . It was something I wanted at p6 , but I realised that I look damned old with it & so I chopped it off .


Deyi Musical !

Out with Abigail & JIAJIA .

Oops , I’m shy !

With Rina !

This was taken during Xinyi’s birthday ! :D I threw cake at herrr :D

Hahahaas , I took this photo for fun , & asked Wanying to take the same ! xD

Vitagen is good for you !

Spongebob ~

Kelong !

The shirt cute right !

Hahahaas , I was trying out clothes for the next day !

I love this emo picture sial . It makes me look so emo . LOLS . But its like as though I’m scratching my head . & I took this 5 mins after I woke up .

Before going out !

All is before going out ! Same day . xD

I was stretching . xD

Nerd spects craze . xD

Shutter shades !

White nerd spects ! I loveeeee them . :D

Close up !

Happy birthday Singapore ! I wore that to the zoo !

Jurong bird park , JIAJIA’s favouriteeee .
& then , I stopped camwhoring for awhile . I also dont know why , I just didnt feel like doing it . & I came back , loving the sunshine , & trying to take pictures with sunshineeee !~

Fierce mehs ?!

Hohohos , I dont care you !

Smell smell ! Ahhhhs , so fragrant ~
Rina ! She changed alot righttttt .

Webcam !

Hearts ! I love Mr Lesbian . :D

Panties !

See ! I told you I love Mr Lesbian ! xD

Webcam with Rina ! It was the day we went to eat macs at 12am ! :D

That day I went out with my family ! xD 1st time wearing green contacts !

Day out with Kaixin ! :D Most recent pictures ~
So did I change alot ? Yes right ?! Hahahaas , I dont really care if you say that I’m ugly or what , cause I know myself . More people complimented me compared to the one & only person who said I was ugly . So yeahs , I want to trust the majority . :D Rina said that I’m cute ! Hahahaas .
Two years have passed .. Sometimes , I may feel

Frustrated ,

Like slapping myself ,

Emo ,

Angry ,

Insecure ,

Alone ,

Headache ,

Or hyper ,
But thru it all , I know that there are those who care for me . These past few weeks were the worst weeks of my life . I had to struggle so badly .
Thanks to those who listened to me , although you didnt support what I was doing . Thanks to those who let me rant to them , & Thanks for giving me advice . I took it in the end didnt I . (:
Last but not least , Thanks 208 !

Hahahaas , see how happy I look ! xD
Thanks to those who were there for me ! I never regretted knowing you all . :D
Okay , I need to stop saying mushy things . xD Anyway , everyone changed , & so did I . I'm happy with my change , & I aint going to change back . I'm meaning physical & mental changes .
I've become more mature in a sense that , I understand more things . I learnt that , asking why has no uses . Some things just happen , there's no whys or hows .
So yeahs , I also had a point of time in life when I went so depressed , there was no way I could be depressed further . I cant go down anymore , the only way was up !
I learnt to pick myself up after every fall , telling myself that everything is alright , I learnt that determination may not work everytime , I learnt how to embrace failure & changes , I learnt how to ignore , how to walk away .
I learnt many things & its thanks to the people on Earth .
Nevertheless , I still want to be a vampire & rip people's heads off . I have a few people in mind . Hahahaas !
Okay , now lets move on to other topics .
Like now Rina Chua & SOOJIAJIA is in Malaysia ! Only at different parts . JIAJIA comes back on 23rd & Rina comes back on 25th . ):
Sooooooooooooo long .
Oh , I'm going out with Kaixin tomorrow ! xD We're going to have so much fun like Monday ! Hahahaas , actually its not tomorrow . Cause now is 12.22am , so it should be , I'm going out with Kaixin later ! xD
Hohohos , christmas is coming ! Too bad I dont have a chimney for Santa Clause to come in . T.T Ohyeahs , the extremely lame post in JIAJIA's blog is I ask her to write de , cause I told her to post before she go , then she post such a lame post . =.=
LOLS . Okay , I think by here , you all are tired of reading le bahs ! xD I also tired of typing . I take about 1hr+ to post all this sial . Tsk tsk .
Okay , BYEBYES !
PS. I shall post tomorrow , if we take photos !