I tried so many methods to upload the photos lahs ! Blogger is way too slow . In the end , I got a damned fast way ! YAYS :D Here's the post , with the pictures !:D
Hellos hellos !
Remember that time I said I'm going to blog about the kelong trip ? Well , here it is !
DAY ONE .Woke up at about 5.45am (I'm the latest) , bathed , changed & off we go ~ Watched "gui ah gui ah" in the car with the people who were seated at the back , which were me , my sister & my grandmother .
Sat in the car for about 2 hours before we reached Sibu island , which was where we would board the boat !!! But we reached early so had to wait awhile .
I took the pill which prevents sea & car sickness !!
Boarded the boat at around 9am+ . :D
On the way ,

I'm not being emo ! I just didnt want to take photos at that point of time , cause I kept falling asleep , & when I am , the boat will suddenly jerk to the left side , causing me to "almost fall" , jerking me out of my nap !!

We're reaching !!

Me & sis .

My grandmother !
For the whole boat ride , her hair didnt fly at all ! Please take a look at me & my sister's hair . hahahas !

Just a few photos of the place . Its raining there !!

A random photo of the clouds . I think mum told dad its very pretty . Oh , these photos were taken by him :D hahahas .

We're nearing the place ! Like kampung right ?! Hahahas . xD

We've reached ! See how heavy the rain is (:

Look at the floor manzxz . The whole trip I was scared that I will fall lors !

This is how the bed looks like when it doesnt have any bedsheets over . The bedsheets will come at 2pm :D

Arranging the bed ~

Hahahas ! The look on her face is like ,
"Ahhhhhs , tired uhs !"

Grandmother & sis .

Have a look at the rain outside ~ :D
Ohmygod . xD
Oh , & I brought my nerd spects along !! Its really a pity that they have no lens . xD

Sis in nerd spects ! :D

You see ! She's playing at the ladder . LOLS .

Hahahas ! This photo is my grandmother take de . Oh , I look so fat .

Oh , candid !!!! I'm in nerd spects there ! Hahahahas ~

This is my grandmother ! :D

The rain has stopped !! Time to go fishing ~ But the wind's damned strong uhs . Dont believe ? See the next photo ! :D

Look at my sis pretty hair . :D Can promote shampoo liaos . Hahahas .
Still dont believe me ?! See the next photo !! :D

Then have a look at this !!!!

Ignore the fact that I have a tummy & my nehnehs look weird . I just want to show you people how strong the wind is . Its blowing me awayyyyyyyy ~
Then I walked around , wanting to take photos , when ..

What ? A stick popping out of nowhere ? Hohohos , I wonder who will be the unlucky one who will bang it . xD

Dad preparing the fishing bait for sis .

My grandmother fishing !! xD

But I didnt :D

My sis , the pro fisherlady , like my dad , just that my dad is a fisherman . xD

This is what was written at the bed there . Hahahas , ask us to keep clean lehs !! I took a photo of it just because I like fan ti words :D

See ?! I told you the wind is strong . MY WIG FLEW AWAY !! I mean , oh , you cant see my hair :D

But now you can ! :D

The foam box which kept the small fishes used to catch big fishes . There's a .. Erm , generator or something inside , so that the fish can be kept alive for a long time :D

My bonnie lies over the ocean , my bonnie lies over the sea , my bonnie lies over the ocean , Oh , bring back my bonnie to me !!!
Sidetrack abit ,
Recently I found out that bonnie is a hat !! I always thought that its a girl . =.=
Back to topic ~

Dad & mum . I think he's coaching her on how to fish for sotongs !!
If fishing = fish for fish , then fish for sotongs is ? Sotonging !!

Dont you find the hills & mountains all this , look like a pregnant lady ?! Look closer :D

The small fishes in the foam box , swim swim swim .
Felicia at kelong , take take take .

This is the fish that my grandmother caught !! Hahahas .

& I'm the one who requested for it to be kept alive one okay ! xD

More & more small fishes ~

My ripples slipper ! (: Can see my feet mark there uhs ! xD

Actually I also dont know where this picture come from . I dont remember taking it uhs . xD
After that , me & sis got a little bored & tired , so we played UNO !!

Actually its stress lahs . xD

Just a random photo of the cards . lalalas ~

The 1st ever sotong to be caught !! Caught by dad :D

The sotong in the foam box . (We have 2 foam boxes) Its angry ~

Can see the thing floating there ?
That's my superring packet !!
I ate finish & threw it into the dustbin , but the wind too strong & blew it into the water before i had a chance to take it back . xD


See ?! The sotong go & spray the black ink , spray until the generator thing have also . LOLS . See the water there also !!

I told mum not to put the fishing rod at her there , cause it will look like my dad's .. (: Can see from there uhs .

The second sotong with the 1st one .
The 1st one is the whiter one uhs , & its fighting with the 2nd one !!

& the 2nd one got injured . In the end , we had to ..


See , there are so many small fishes . xD

The 3rd sotong has been caught ~

The 1st sotong is fighting with it , AGAIN .
In the end , sotong 2 & 3 died . =.=

At night !! :D
See the ropes , all the birds are hanging there , its so cute uhs ! :D

The wind is so strong that , we dont even have to on the fan ,
& it will automactically move !! Hahahas ~

Dad :D His face is sunburnt from one whole day of fishing uhs ! xD

At night ! You cant even see the next island uhs ! Its like we're stranded in the middle of ..
NOWHERE . hahahahahs ! xD

More pictures of the sotong !!~

Hahahas , I used the net to trap it !! I want it to shoot the ink uhs , but nothing came out . T.T

The fishes are still aliveeeeeeeeeee ~

Dont you find the sunlight is very very nice ?
Yups !! Say yes with me ~

My grandmother preparing to fish for sotong ~ (I think)

& thats how we hung our clothes . Not dirty de lahs , is those which we are going to wear :D

Did these photos scare you ? :D Its my sis ~
Pictures of my grandmother .

Too dark !! xD Another one ,

Still too dark !!!!!!!!!! In the end , she said neverminds . xD

Mum looking at the fishes . (:

Dad helping sis with the fishing rod . xD


Me & sis . I tied my hair that day ~

The fish that was given to us by someone else . I forgot to take the one dad caught , but its something like that also . (:

Ohhhhh , the day is going to end xD

The pro sotong-er . She caught the 2nd sotong mahs . xD
It rained heavily that night , so heavy that ..

The sides all this need to be closed to prevent rain from splashing in .

Sis is scared uhs ! Cause the place is rocking left & right .

Its not my bad camera skills , you saw the other photos also . Its because the whole place shaking , so thats why cant take a proper photo . xD

Look at the waves !~

This photo damned nice right ? You can see my dad at the side there .
I wanted to take a photo of my dad in the rain , after that , he walked away when I took it , at the same time , got lightning ~ :D

I went under the covers & took this photo . Nice right ? hahahahas !!

Can see the water flowing down ? Its like a person urinating uhs ! xD

What nice waves .

There's something on the floor ~

ITS A FISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanted to take the other kelong de , cause the lights there very nice , & grandmother asked me to take . But not clear lehs .
Again , I took it when the lightning striked . (:
DAY THREE .Didnt fish the whole day . Hahahas ~
Just random photos . :D

& the last few photos with the sotong before it was killed to bring home . Seriously uhs , was quite sad when they killed it . Its so fun to play with it uhs ! xD

Its black cause its angry (:

Hahahas , can see my grandmother in pink there ? xD

No more small fishes . Hahahahas .
The next three photos is just the scenery .

The photos are nice right ? Maybe I should be a photographer ! Hahahas , just kidding uhs . (:

Remember I said that we were supported by these wooden things ?
There's something on the wooden things . Can someone tell me what is it ? Hahahas . xD

Here's the outside of the toilet (:

This is the toilet bowl .

Hahahas ! Can see the fishes inside ? Its like , when you shit , the fishes will eat it !!
But you wont be eating these fishes uhs , these fishes are poisonous . xD

This is for storing our bathing water . There's a huge hose outside , & before we bathe , we pour out the water inside this thing , & replace it uhs . Then we use it to bathe .

These two photos were taken by my sister . (:
Then right , right before we left , it rained , AGAIN .
& this time , the clouds are like , eating the neighbouring islands !!!!!!

SEE !!!! Hahahahas .
Alright alright , its the end of 129 photos ! Its very tiring uhs ! Hahahas , okay okay .
On the way back , on the boat , I was so stubborn & didnt want to eat the pill which stops vomitting . In the end , I vomitted alot .
& right , my grandmother took it , & threw it out the window . She didnt know there was abit of space on the boat before the sea , & thats where the plastic bag landed .
Everyone laughed but I didnt have the energy . ):
Okay okay , I'll be working on my next post , Sis birthday !
Its before the trip lors . But this one have more pictures . LOLS .